September 25th – 28th, 2024
Hotel Park Plaza Histria, Pula, Croatia
Dear colleagues,
It is our great pleasure and honour to announce the FEBS3+ Meeting: Exploring Molecular Frontiers which will be held from 25th to 28th September 2024 in Pula, Croatia. This meeting is organised as a joint meeting of three FEBS constituent societies: Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Swedish Society for Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology and Finnish Biochemical, Biophysics and Microbiology Society (Biobio Society). Croatian and Finnish Societies declare this conference as their national Meeting.
The scientific programme will focus on important recent developments in a wide range of molecular life sciences including biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, biomedicine, but also on education in science. The invited speakers are outstanding experts in their field and emerging young scientists. However, we plan to enrich the scientific program with many talks selected from the abstracts, so we invite you to contribute to the scientific programme of the congress and participate in the social events which provide an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences with colleagues, make new acquaintances and renew old ones.
FEBS3+ Meeting: Exploring Molecular Frontiers provides an opportunity for a rewarding scientific and personal experience. We hope you will enjoy the early autumn in Istria, one of the most beautiful and culturally rich regions of Croatia.
Morana Dulić
Chair of the Meeting
Nino Sinčić
Chair of the Organising Committee
Ronnie Berntsson
Chair of the Swedish Society for Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology
Hannu Koistinen
Chair of the Finnish Biochemical, Biophysics and Microbiology Society (Biobio Society)